Saturday, December 13, 2008

David Wegman, A Moment to Reflect Along the Way

Last night we honored David Wegman's many contributions to Occupational Health including especially his visionary application of the Nordic model to the United States, by creating a Department of Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. It was a wonderful evening. With much humor and great stories. Central to it all were the roles played by David and Peggy's children in their presentations, and recognition of the central role Peggy Wegman played in all of this.

An ice storm canceled the afternoon session, so we were not able to formally present the many awards, including citations by the Governor, State Legislature, and even the U. S. Defense Department. But, my favorite story was about that DOD award, from an ergonomics grad of the program, who also sent a picture of he and his comrades waving from an ergonomically designed tank. To which Greg Wagner replied --"Tanks but no tanks."

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