Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine flu -- What to do?

The CDC recommendations are very good. I have only a few things to add -- open the windows and if you are infected or could be infected, wear a surgical mask to protect your friends and family. Our research shows that surgical masks partially limit the shedding of virus into respiratory droplets. There is a lot of debate in the scientific community about whether influenza A viruses are transmitted by fine particle aerosols or just by large droplets and touching. It is time to be prudent -- consider aerosol transmission likely and take steps to limit it.

1. Open the windows at home.
2. Maximize dilution ventilation in mechanically ventilated buildings
3. Hold classes and religious services outdoors when possible.
4. If you have contacted someone with the flu, wear a surgical mask to limit spreading it to your family and friends.

Good sources of reliable information
For parents:
In general on pandemic flu:

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